Aug/Sept. 2018: ‘Wonderful Recognition’ Opportunities Abound for Skaters in High School – Aug./Sept. 2018 Skating Magazine (quoted)
“While it is not generally a recruited sport, skating can also help students stand out in the application process because it is relatively uncommon and skaters often have objective and long-term accomplishments they can highlight, ranging from competitive results in regional competitions to passing tests.”
April, 2016: 6 Tips to Relieve Stress During Junior Year – Better After 50 (authored)
February, 2016: The 10 Highest- and Lowest-Paying College Majors – Bankrate (quoted)
January, 2016: What to do After a Deferral – Better After 50 (authored)
March, 2015: How to Survive the College Admissions Process (authored)
April, 2014: Ask an Admissions Expert: Tira Harpaz – Varsity Tutors (interviewed)
January, 2014: Sheryl Sandberg’s New Book: Lean In For Graduates – Bloomberg (quoted)
“There’s a real need for assistance at the end-of-college process to launch jobs and careers,” says Tira Harpaz, founder of Larchmont (N.Y.)-based CollegeBound Advice, a college counseling firm. “Lower salary and benefits, if not negotiated properly at the first job, can follow you around for your entire career.”